Resistance: Exploiting your enemies’ perception

At the time of writing, this is my favorite memory from playing.

We were using the expanded roles.

Here’s what was revealed to me in the setup phase:

  • I was the Deepcover.
  • Ashley was the False Commander.
  • There was a Blind Spy hidden in the other players.

On the first mission, it was me, Daniel, and someone else. We made the mission succeed.

For the next mission we added Nick, and I failed the mission. Daniel was convinced that we added a spy. Throughout the game, he wouldn’t budge. Every time Nick was mentioned, he would reject. He eventually even decided that Nick was the Blind Spy.

The next mission came, I was on it. I failed it. Someone else got the blame: a quiet new player.

Someone decided to use the inquisitor ability on Mike; they told everyone he was a spy. He was pretty much killed, but at least Ashley and I knew the Blind Spy was between those two players.

It was the fourth mission, which required two fail cards to fail. After much negotiation, Nick finally got another chance. I was on the mission, I knew I was the only spy. But I played a fail card anyway, knowing that the mission would still succeed. I wanted to give people the impression that the Blind Spy was on the mission and was hoping another spy was on the mission.

The cards were flipped, Daniel immediately accused Nick of being the Blind Spy again. Nick looked around at everyone else, and said it wasn’t him. He felt pretty defeated, I gave him some non-verbal empathy when we made eye contact. But I didn’t want to voice support for him. I was trying to win.

I cannot remember who was checked next by the inquisitor.

The next mission was the same, minus Nick. I played the fail card again, so the mission failed, and the spies won.

That game I was the person who failed all three missions.

The lesson

Be careful sharing your perspective, because others can take actions to wrongly reinforce it.

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